Which products are right for my hair?

Which products are right for my hair?

Unlocking the Secret to Perfect Curls: Finding the Right Products for Your Hair

What Products are Right for My Curly Hair?

My absolute number one question that I get asked all the time - is 'what products shall I use for my curly hair?'

With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right ones for your specific hair type. Whether you have fine, medium, or coarse hair, low or high porosity, low or high density, wavy, curly, or coily locks, there are products out there that are perfect for you.

So I have put together this quick, but comprehensive guide, to delve into the world of curly hair products, exploring what works best for different hair textures and porosities in under 5 minutes.

But first, let's learn some basics...

Understanding Your Hair Texture

Before diving into product recommendations, it's essential to understand your hair texture. Hair texture refers to the thickness or diameter of individual hair strands and is typically categorized as fine, medium, or coarse.

  • Fine Textured Hair: Fine hair strands are small in diameter and can often appear thin. They are delicate and prone to breakage, requiring lightweight products that won't weigh them down. How to test for fine hair? Rub a strand of hair between your fingers, if you can't feel the ridge of the hair strand, you likely have fine-textured hair. 
  • Medium Textured Hair: Medium hair strands fall somewhere in between fine and coarse. They have a balanced thickness and versatility, allowing them to work well with a wide range of products.
  • Coarse Textured Hair: Coarse hair strands are thick and robust. They tend to be more resilient but require extra moisture and nourishment to prevent dryness and frizz. How to test for coarse hair? Rub a strand of hair between your fingers, if you can definitely feel the ridge of the hair strand, you likely have coarse-textured hair. 

Considering Your Hair Porosity

In addition to texture, understanding your hair porosity is crucial for selecting the right products. Hair porosity refers to your hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture and is categorized as low, normal, or high.


  • Low Porosity Hair: Low porosity hair has a tightly closed cuticle layer, making it challenging for moisture to penetrate. Products with lightweight formulas are ideal for low porosity hair to prevent buildup and weigh down.
  • Normal Porosity Hair: Normal porosity hair has a balanced ability to absorb and retain moisture. It can benefit from a variety of products, but it's essential to maintain moisture balance.
  • High Porosity Hair: High porosity hair has gaps and holes in the cuticle layer, allowing moisture to escape easily. Products rich in emollients and humectants are ideal for high porosity hair to help seal moisture and prevent frizz.

Selecting products based on your hair porosity is essential for maintaining healthy, hydrated curls. If you are struggling with what products to choose between from the above, use this quick guide to finer tune your selection according to your hair porosity.

Products for Low Porosity Hair

For low porosity hair, lightweight, water-based products are key to prevent buildup and weigh down. Clarifying shampoos can help remove product residue and open up the cuticle layer for better moisture absorption. Light leave-in conditioners and serums are ideal for providing hydration without weighing the hair down.

Products for High Porosity Hair

High porosity hair requires products that help seal moisture and prevent frizz. Rich, creamy conditioners are essential for providing intense hydration and nourishment. Leave-in conditioners and oils can help seal the cuticle layer and lock in moisture, preventing moisture loss throughout the day.

Now for the fun part...


Now that we've covered the basics, let's explore specific product recommendations based on different hair textures and porosities.

Products for Fine Textured Hair

Fine textured hair requires lightweight products that add volume and definition without weighing the hair down. Look for volumizing shampoos and conditioners that provide hydration without leaving a residue. Clarify regularly, or as regularly as needed to ensure your curls are not weighed down with product. Lightweight mousses and foams are excellent styling options for adding volume and definition without stiffness. Stronger hold stylers are great for keeping your curls intact. Light oils and moisturisers are advisable to keep from hair being weighed down.

Here are some product recommendations:


Hot Tip: 

Always double cleanse for a deeper cleanse, and if you want that extra lather on the second round! 


Leave-In Conditioners/Curl Creams:

Volumizing Foams/Solutions:


Products for Coarse Textured Hair

Coarse textured hair requires rich, moisturizing products to combat dryness and frizz. Choose sulfate-free shampoos with harsh detergents, and conditioners that provide intense hydration and nourishment. Thick creams and butters are excellent styling options for coarse textured hair, providing moisture and definition without weighing the hair down. Make sure you choose a conditioner that is super moisturising, has lots of slip and usually as heavy as they come is recommended for coarse hair!

Coarse hair can become more difficult to manage as it is prone to dryness and therefore you need to take special care to hydrate it adequately, but it can also provide excellent structure and strength to the curls when managed properly - so please do not buy into the myth that coarse hair is 'unruly' - with the right routine your curls will absolutely thrive and look superbly unique.

Depending on your preference, you may opt to co-wash if you feel this method of cleansing is deep enough and hydrates the curls sufficiently. Some curlies, however, feel their coarse curls still require deep cleansing owing to the amount of heavy product use and heavier product type. This is absolutely fine (and recommended) but just ensure you are following up with a very rich deep conditioning treatment after deep cleansing.

Here are some product recommendations:



Leave-In Conditioners:

Curl Creams:

Foams/Styling Solutions:

Hold Products:


    Products for Medium Textured Hair

    Medium-textured hair is versatile and can benefit from a wide range of products. My advice to you here would be, what are your desired outcomes? Are you looking for a simple routine or ultimate hair goals? Opt for product choices that align with those needs as you have the luxury of mixing and matching products. Generally speaking, hydrating shampoos and conditioners that provide moisture without weighing the hair down work well with medium-hair textures. Cream-based stylers are ideal for medium textured hair, providing definition and hold without stiffness.  Hold stylers can also be completely personalized to however you prefer the finish of your curls - either with a heavier cast, or a with a softer more weightless finish.



    Finding the right products for your curly hair can transform your hair care routine and enhance your natural curls. By understanding your hair texture and porosity, you can select products that meet your specific needs and achieve beautiful, healthy curls. Experiment with different products and techniques to find what works best for you, and embrace your curls with confidence.

    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    1. Can I use the same products for different hair textures?

    While some products may work well for a range of hair textures, it's essential to consider your specific needs. Fine textured hair may require lightweight formulas, while coarse textured hair may need richer, moisturizing products.

    2. How often should I wash my curly hair?

    The frequency of washing your curly hair depends on your hair type and personal preference. Some people may need to wash their hair more frequently to remove product buildup, while others may prefer to co-wash or use dry shampoo between washes.

    3. Are natural products better for curly hair?

    Natural products can be beneficial for curly hair, as they often contain fewer harsh chemicals that can strip the hair of its natural oils. However, it's essential to read the ingredients list and choose products that meet your specific hair needs.

    4. Should I use heat styling tools on my curly hair?

    While heat styling tools can be used occasionally to change up your look, excessive heat can damage curly hair and lead to dryness and breakage. It's best to use heat styling tools sparingly and always use a heat protectant spray before styling.

    5. How can I revive my curls between washes?

    To revive your curls between washes, try using a curl refreshing spray or mist to add moisture and definition. You can also lightly mist your hair with water and scrunch to reactivate your curls, followed by a lightweight styling product to hold the shape.

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